WOM-Action Aid Partnership

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WOM-Action Aid Partnership

WOM in collaboration with Action Aid Ghana continued to strengthen the capacity of women’s groups in the Talensi and Nabdam districts on gender-based violence and unpaid care work issues. A learn and share forum was also held for Community Based anti-violence teams (COMBATs) and group facilitators in the Nabdam and Talensi districts to enhance their knowledge and skills in mediating cases and reporting criminal cases.

Eight Basic and Junior high schools were reached with sensitizations on gender-based violence and unpaid care work. A community forum was organized to create more awareness on the redistribution of unpaid care work care within the households. As part of creating awareness on the promotion of decent work in the informal sector, a quarterly radio discussion was held where listeners had the opportunity to call and share their views.

Twelve (12) smallholder women farmer groups comprising 384 women were trained and equipped with practical skills in the application of liquid organic fertilizer. This has translated to increased crop yields. The leadership of the smallholder women farmers was also trained on risk mapping and early warning systems and how to mitigate hazards.

In 2021, the sponsorship of children dropped to 803 due to the removal of overaged children from the Programme. Child messages, photos, and new profiles were collected twice in the year and during this period refresher training was organized for 23 committee members (M= 14, F=9) to enhance their comment writing skills.