WOM-Wildaf-Oxfam Partnership

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WOM-Wildaf-Oxfam Partnership

WOM in partnership with OXFAM and Wildaf with funding from the European Union worked in the Bongo and Nabdam districts of the upper east region under the Enough project which focuses on empowering women, girls, boys, and men to take positive action in ending Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV).   In all three hundred (300) women were reached directly once a week for either Village Savings and Loans Associates (VSLA) contributions; sensitizations; financial literacy training and or business management training.

Three groups thus Kongo and Bongo-Beo received training on quality Shea butter production while the Vea groups received training on weaving. These pieces of training enhanced the skills of these women in the sectors, increasing their income.

Four hundred and eighty (480) boys and girls in eight (8) schools were equally supported to hold weekly discussions on SGBV. This has built the confidence of these children and they increasingly becoming assertive and resisting abuse.

Three ( 3 ) Informal sector associations in two districts thus Nabdam and Bongo Districts have updated their workplace policies, making them gender-responsive with clear responsibilities for each actor ( trainer, trainees, Parents/guardians).

A learn and share forum was held for Judges and Prosecutors in the Upper East Region to enhance their knowledge of the Domestic Violence Act 27 (ACT 732) and the Intestate Succession Law (PNDCL111). This is expected to enhance their delivery of justice to survivors of violence.

A facility was identified, renovated and furnished in Bongo Beo to serve as a safe space for survivors of violence. The facility is in use and accessible to people that need it.