WOM's 2023 Success Story_ Goats, Women's Assets

WOM’s 2023 Success Story: Goats, Women’s Assets

  • Our Success Story 1 for 2023 project is Baamah Nauh
  • This Success was achieved in collaboration with ActionAid Ghana

Sarah Aziyaaba, a 45-year-old member of the Yagzore women’s group, embodies resilience and transformation. Originally reliant on farming and selling firewood, Sarah struggled to support her family’s needs, particularly her children’s education. Joining the Widow and Orphans Movement women’s group offered her a supportive community and opportunities for growth.

With WOM/AAG’s assistance in 2020, Sarah received two female goats to diversify her income. Through training in animal care, she successfully expanded her goat herd, surmounting challenges and boosting her earnings. The revenue from goat sales proved invaluable during financial hardships in 2022, enabling her to cover exam fees and launch a porridge business within the community.

I successfully grew my goat herd by eight, though two died, I sold three. The proceeds from these sales became a lifeline during a financially challenging period in 2022, covering exam fees and providing essential learning materials for two of my children. Additionally, it empowered me to venture into a porridge business within the community.
After gifting two female goats to a member of the group as agreed by my group and WOM/AAG, I still retain two goats. Starting the porridge business with an initial capital of 250 Ghana cedis, I’ve witnessed remarkable progress, now affording items totaling around 400 Ghana cedis

Sarah Aziyaaba

Despite hurdles, Sarah’s business flourished, underscoring WOM/AAG’s transformative impact on livelihoods. Her journey exemplifies the resilience and community backing vital for achieving financial stability and empowering women.

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